Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

Every two weeks, from the comfort of my home, I embark on grand adventures with a group of friends. We battle, we bicker, and we - ultimately - use our powers for evil. I'm talking, of course, about D&D. Our glorious DM has created an insanely vivid, detailed world for us to play in, and I find it an endless source of inspiration for illustrations.

The City of Dubaldarin

The bleak city of Dubaldarin was conjured up in the imagination of our DM (that's Dungeon Master, for all you non-nerds out there), and I created a map showing all of the key areas, buildings, baddies and scenery. Highlights include 'The Jade Monkey' where our party all hang out, Good Barrel & Green Bottles where the bouncer is definitely not two lads in a trenchcoat, and Higald's Crag - which we are yet to explore the mysteries of in-game.

This was the longest project I have ever worked on in my life, and I say that without a shadow of doubt. It took 50 hours to do the first draft, and then I realised I had set the canvas and the colour settings up incorrectly, teaching me a valuable, valuable lesson. I had to start from scratch, which added another 30 hours. But, after 80 hours, it was ready.

I had it secretly printed and sent to everyone in the D&D group with instructions to not open the package until they were told. Our DM, during a session, pushed us into meeting a strange character in-game. This turned out to be Feltzfred, the finest (and only) cartographer in Dubaldarin, and after a brief shake-down, he gave us all a map. This is when everyone was asked to open their packages, and I was so happy with the reveal. I'm honestly so happy that they all now have this framed on their walls, and I hope it brought the city to life a little.

On The Hunt

This is inspired by an old Western-themed cigarette card, which I re-imagined as a D&D piece. An intrepid warrior has stumbled upon a terrifying mother guarding their nest. Will he survive? Probably not.

An Evening at the Jade

Another Western-inspired cigarette card, modified to fit our D&D campaign. This shows our D&D group/characters sat around having a meeting in the Jade Monkey, the tavern we frequent (you can see it on the map above too). The background is packed full of in-game references, which only 5 people in the world will understand, including an advert for the 'Shoot the Moon' festival, the map of the city itself, and an ad for 'Arsche', the local beer.